Femina Miss India 1994
O que me surpreendeu foi o empate entre Sushmita Sen e Aishwarya Rai no Miss Índia daquele ano. Ambas obtiveram 9.33 no final question, pela 1ª vez naquele concurso. Como forma de desempate, elas responderam duas novas perguntas, uma distinta da outra. Sushmita consegue 9.41 e Aishwarya 9.39
What surprised me was the tie between Sushmita Sen and Aishwarya Rai in the Miss India that year. Both gained 9.33 at the final question, for the 1 st time in that contest. Then, they answered two new questions. Sushmita 9.41 and Aishwarya 9.39.
Miss World 1994
Nesse link vocês poderão ver a coroação MW94:
In this link you can see the crowning MW94
Miss Universe 1994
Interesting video of the crowning of Sushmita Sen:
A atitude de Carolina Gomez na hora da coroação foi muito simpática pulando de alegria porque a oponente tinha ganho.
The attitude of Carolina Gomez at the time of coronation was very nice
The joy of Miss Colombia to hug and kiss Sushmita is contagious. One of the great moments of the 90's
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